Worst Xmas Gift Ever?

Are you wondering what to get your loved one with Parkinson’s for Christmas that will keep them up, motivated and moving even if they have to remain stuck in the house? I found this article from the Parkinson’s Foundation and Instagram. I thought it was interesting! I actually started Christmas shopping around September because IContinue reading “Worst Xmas Gift Ever?”

The ABC’S Of Parkinson’s

There is more to Parkinson’s than just a tremor… What do you think when you hear the word Parkinson’s or see someone with Parkinson’s? It’s more than just a tremor and I have been wanting to come up with a comprehensive list and I do believe I have…In fact, it’s the ABC’s of Parkinson’s. ExceptContinue reading “The ABC’S Of Parkinson’s”

I’m often asked how PD Feels? Or I don’t know how you do it…shaking all the time?

I recently read an article about how a wife was shocked she heard her husband in conversation about how (their) Parkinson’s changed (their) life drastically. She momentarily thought it absurd that is until, she finished listening to his conversation. I didn’t think it was quite as absurd as this wife was thinking. The first thingContinue reading “I’m often asked how PD Feels? Or I don’t know how you do it…shaking all the time?”


Celebrity Neurons Do you know your celebrity neuron in your brain? If you don’t…You should! Dopamine is responsible…wait what? I lost my focus…Oh Right, that is because I have Parkinson’s. Yes, Dopamine is famous in your brain because it is essentially responsible for moving your body, focusing, energy, and pleasure. Well crap, it can evenContinue reading “πŸ‘€πŸ“ΈπŸŽ¬πŸŽ₯πŸ”ŽπŸ“ΌπŸ‘€”

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